July 2024 – We Arrived in Greece!

Dear Brethren,

We arrived to Thessaloniki, Greece, last Tuesday night and are settled into an Airbnb until we find something more permanent! Thank you for your prayers concerning the trip. Everything went very smoothly, and we did not lose one piece of luggage along the way! Although it was tricky navigating the Atlanta airport, we were able to get all our stuff checked in on time and meet our flight.

The lady that owns the Airbnb (who is a professing Christian named Alketa) met us at the airport here, and we began the process of transporting our luggage and family to the apartment. I say process because many things here are small… so it took a couple trips with a small van to get all the luggage here, but it worked out. After getting settled in, we took the next few days to get familiarized with the city, time zone, and local transportation.

It was wonderful to hold our first service here and reopen the church! We had a great time of fellowship, singing, and preaching yesterday! Although there are many things to learn concerning the culture and language, it was a blessing to gather together and worship the Lord with these dear people. There were five people who attended, plus our family of six, and it was a blessing to see their joy as we sang the hymns (Greek & English at the same time).

Thank you again for your prayers – the Lord is truly answering them!

To God Be The Glory,
The Eric Fair Family